whats a good battery to buy?

Don't get a EXIDE!! I used to sell them for Grand Auto and they were junk right off the truck. I started to test them right off the truck after getting a gun stuffed in my face for selling crap. 80% of the time they were junk before they came off the pallet. Interstate or Optima for me thanks. I have an optima in the Dart. The key to an Optima according to the local battery reconditioner is to slow charge them if they are dead flat. I bought a "reconditioned" red top that was turned in that only needed a charge, a slow charge later and it's all good. Well worth the $25.

Guy with the gun didn't like the Exide huh?? :oops:

I bought a Exide Orbital battery for my truck because I have subwoofer amps that need all they can get. Orbital line of batteries is like the Optima line of batteries which are the gel cell. The battery was rated at 1000 CA amps at 30* and 770 CCA at 0*. That battery didn't last long and quit holding a charge. I guess the sub amps just put a whooping on it. I haven't tried to use it any longer because my truck wouldn't crank so I took it out.

So you have to slow charge them? Do you know what kind of charge and for how long?