roof panel replacment

Sleeperscamp- thanks for the pictures, that helps out alot. I don't have any pictures, but the damage would be difficult to see in pictures anyway. I plan on taking pictures some tomorrow so I can have a record of what I've done. I was going to start a thread in member restorations section

The other thing I didn't mention in my first post is that the replacement roof I have has a factory sunroof in it. I really want to put it in this car. I have been saving this roof panel for 10+ years and it is now time to use it. It looks like the roof inner structure is all the same with a few extra brackets welded on (easy to do). The actual roof panel is different and there appears to be a piece glued on the inside of the roof to attach the sunroof assembly to.

I am also planning a black vinyl roof for it to give the car some contrast as it is sandpebble beige in color and needs a bunch of black accents to make it look good.

Cut the whole roof off at the pillars & by the factory quarter seems. That should be the easiet & least amount of work. If you take your time , knowonw will ever know you did it. Will also be a strong repair.