FBO or MSD what do you use?

Interesting BJS. I've never had a problem with a Mallory ignition, but then again I've never had a problem with a MSD ignition or the Mopar orange box either. My choice is based on primary power, features and price. ARCA mandates the use of Mallory ignitions, but they are purpose built for ARCA so that doesn't really translate to their consumer products.

One thing I have noticed is that all the top fuel racers that I've seen on the tube lately (NHRA Drag Racing) run MSD distributors and I've never seen one run a Mallory. Is that due to reliability issues or contingency money? Interesting question.

Please let me know if there are known problems with the Mallory boxes. I'm wondering if I've just been lucky for the last 23 years. :smile:

Hmmm,thats interesting stuff because a friend of mine that builds high dollar engines sends them out with a complete ignition system,he has used msd for years but recently switched over to mallory,he has found they're just as good but cost less to buy..not saying mallory is better or worse then msd but until my msd system fails me,and it never has,it's all i'll run