1975 Canadian Rustified Duster..

Hey Plydust360 hows it goin? Your story sounds almost identical to mine! I'm from Barrie just a little north of you and I bought a 73 Dart Sport for $600 and put $1,000 worth of brakes on it and on the test drive for the brakes the torsion box blew, so i sold it @ Burls Creek for what I paid for it. A year or two later I found what I thought was a "nice" 72 340 Duster and after paying $6,000 for it and getting it home I started a small tear down. After getting the interior out, I noticed the floor was RUSTY and not to mention cracked right across ther back half. Then I sanded out what had to have been 10 lbs of bondo outta the quarters. Unfortunately the car was too far gone, frames were rusted too thin etc.. Not to mention it wasn't even a 340 it was a mildly done up 318. So I stripped it of all its parts and scrapped it. I will be looking for a good replacement in the new year just wondering if you have any leads on a Duster of any year between 70 to 76 for a resonable price?

And keep at it man, it's hard work but just be glad your not in my spot lol!