Thermoquad Wanted

Not taking sides here, but it seems that most opinions about the Thermoquad are, well, . . . mostly negative.
Why would you want to screw around with a warping or cracking carb unless you have a show car?

Most older mechanics (Mopar professionals) will tell you they were a serious pain in the butt. . . most often tossed and replaced. Old school mechanics (My Dad for one) hated them.

BRAVO . . . to the guys who know how to deal with them. Anyone who is keeping their car "factory stock" for show purposes probably isn't worried about optimum performance issues (racing) and will be happy with the standard performance of the "original" Thermoquad.

QUESTION: Where would Edelbrock be today without the Carter carburetor basics? I'm guessing cloning Holleys, or selling Demons.

Personally, I would have to think twice if someone was selling me ANY new carb for $15. Desperation? Who knows. . . Not popular? Probably.