Thermoquad Wanted

He he he. Well, I do like the carb, but then again, what ever works is good in my book. I have had excellent results with all sorts of carbs and makes.
They (T-Q's) were a pain in the *** but, that was then and I'm very sure nothing has changed. I still think there a pain in the *** and since I understand whats coming down the pike when I touch/mess with one.........

I'm not exactly sooo touchy about a T-Q, but I do like'em. Just as much as any other carb. It's a bit hard to look away from a cheap carb that will work preety good. If I had money for a new carb, that would be on the car now instead of the 4160 I picked up for $20.

It would be a new carb that would work
if the wallet said, "Yes, go get!"

Good night Glow worm.