wave snap ring question ?

Hi Chris, I have not even taken it apart yet. I am just trying to put togethor a half decent trans for my car. I have a little better motor going in it this summer, nothing wild. Just a cast piston 383, .484 purple shaft, 452's with 2.14 intake and the 1.81 exhaust valves ,ported with the MP Kit 452's, 3500 convertor and 3:91's etc. So I just want to freshen up the trans and improve it a little. I bought a rebuild kit, new band, clutches, and also a turbo action valve body. I have been reading that everyone changes to the 4.2 levers. So in your opinion do I need to do this? It is mostly just a cruise night car, with perhaps 3 or 4 trips to the track in the summer. I am just out to improve the shift and reliability is all. Thanks for your input guys, I really appreciate it. Dave.