Slant 6 Pak?

i have a slant6 in my dart. i bought the car inspite of this "disability!" ...i always HATED slants! however, now i`m beginning to think its kinda neat and since its there maybe i will let it stay there (for now at least)
so now to the point of my post;
has anyone seen one? i haven`t. i have looked at various Mopar forums and seen the weiand, clifford and offy offerings...4barrel or dual one barrel manifolds. and then theres the factory "super6" 2 barrel.
so why not get 3 x 2`s and graft them to an aluminum super 6? probably a 6"x1'x1/2" piece of aluminum cut, drilled and welded to a carefully cut stock aluminum intake might
yes, i`m oversimplifying the project, but how hard can it be? anyone interested or maybe tried it or knows of others who have?
i just never paid any mind to slants before now.