'67 Dart GT - Before & After Progress Pics...

Yea the Mopars are pretty addicting. I was a Chevy guy by default growing up in MI. My best buddy's Dad had a fire engine red 55 Nomad wagon that we cruised in so I was exposed to Chevy's from the start and consequently bought a 69 Camaro and 72 Chevelle. He later sold the Nomad to Tim Allen of Tool Time fame. You may have seen it on the show? That's my 1 and only claim to fame...I spent alot of time in the 55 Tim Allen now owns. ;-)

Back to Mopars. I just realized after helping my buddy find a 68 Charger at Woodward Dream Cruise about 9 years ago that Mopars were way cooler than Chevy's. It just hit me, and after I started to really learn makes and models and history I was gone....a 100% Mopar convert. When I bought my Dodge and told my Mom she was like
"Oh you bought a Dodge? I remember when I was young if you drove a Dodge you were considered a 'bad boy'. Only the greasers and bad boys drove Dodges...!" She was there in the 60's during the heydey...

Right then and there I knew I had bought the right car!