midlife crisis

Hello all,

My name is Todd and I live in Saskatchewan Canada. In high school I used to have a 70 Duster that I lived, ate, and breathed for. Sold it when I was 18, wanted another, life got in the way. Found myself in my late 30s before I knew it, married, kids, bored. Started to think about the old Duster getting more and more nostalgic for the good old days. Started looking for Dusters on Ebay. Found one in Oregon that looked pretty good fro $2000. Bought it, shipped it home, really happy with it. 1974 Plymouth Gold Duster, 225 slant six, console AT, buckets. Currently Sunfire Yellow. Plan on doing a resto. Nothing fancy just a real good driver. Might go B5 blue, red, purple, black looks pretty good too. Will go with a white vinyl roof and factory 74 360 stripes. Been poking around here lately and have found a lot of good info to help me. Currently gutted the interior replacing carpet and painting trim black.