"Siggy Stardust" - '65 Valiant Signet Convertible

Cool project. Im with you on the rollbar, they just make convertibles look bad. Cool stuff on the e85, but are you wanting it green, cause youre "going green" or because you like the color? Also what photo shop are you using to get change colors like that?

Actually, I plan to run e99 (ethanol/little bit of water), made from my own still (yet to be built). Weird thing is, finding e85 in California is harder than finding a decently priced E-body 'Cuda these days. No corn crops like throughout the MidWest. So, since I live near a bunch of strawberry crops (check for Watsonville, Ca on your next bunch of strawberries), I'll try to use farm waste products as my feedstock. Still at the initial stages of learning how to do it.

My wife and I both love the color green. I asked her if she thought my concept was cool, and she REALLY liked it. Always helps to have your honey on board with the project. "Going green" really didn't play a part in my color choice, although it is nicely coincidental.

I used Adobe Photoshop 7.0 on my laptop to change colors/wheels/etc. It's still going for ~$200 on eBay, even though they've gone through 3 revisions (CS, CS2, CS3) since then. I've had cool ideas for cars in the past, and always wanted a way to visualize them. I found an indispensable FREE resource here to do just that: THE PHOTOSHOP BIBLE
If you've got a copy of Photoshop (7.0+), this tutorial, and a decently hi-resolution car picture, you can do just about anything to it you like. The http://www.digimods.co.uk/ site that has the tutorial also has a bunch of Euro rides that have been tweaked every which way. Maybe not for Mopar or No Car crowd, but still pretty cool.