dog just passed away

also kinda thinking on a small dog like a jack russel or a chewawa but iv found the smaller dogs are harder to find an all around kind/smart dog I liked the last German Shepard mix I had he was the most intelligent brute iv had. I love how durrable he was he got hit by a few cars in his day (he was the shop dog and at night he would break out and sleep in the middle of the street)

Unless you have the patience of a saint, or just don't get annoyed easily, I'd stay away from a Jack Russel. They are H-Y-P-E-R-A-C-T-I-V-E! Worst than a speed freak enjoying a good blast.. And Chiuaua are just as annoying. The Shep, as you mentioned, is one of the more intelligent (and trainable...) breeds out there.

My Wife and I have already decided that the next one (in the distant future I hope....) will be a Shepard. Good luck with your decision!