dog just passed away

I am glad to here you are getting a nother four leggier friend !!
I have a friend here in Arkansas that lost his dog to the hwy and
took good care of him for many years.
Know he said he will never have another!!
I have tried to talk him into getting another, But he still said NO!!!.
it has been two years now and he has turned into a bitter old fart.
Glad to here you are going to fill the spot in your life.
that needs to be filled dartcustom:toothy7:

This little girl boogie is a Maltese that my son got for a girl friend That I ended up paying for and the girls parent sent her back to me.
She is a great little friend and then my best friend Socket!!
He was leash trained by me and love's going for the walks that I take.
The mother of socket was a shepherd and was the runt of the bunch.
Know he live on the hill where he was born with me for his hole life 5 years.
Keep us updated dartcustom.:-):angel10:

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