Carb draining?

It has been a crazy weather fall here. October it still was in the high 60's and low 70's. I went deer hunting in a T-shirt. Then in November it got cold, down into the teens. The highs have been about 32 and the lows 18 -20ish. We had a white Thanksgiving and it also snowed last week and weekend. Then this Monday the temps went way up to the high 50's to low 60's thru Wednesday. This morning there was frost so the temps are going back down.

Soap Lake has a very high mineral content and when the wind blows the waves hitting the beach work up a foam and a lather, that is why they call it Soap Lake. The mineral content is so high there are no fish. The only thing in the lake are a type of brine shrimp thing. The water is supposed to be good for your skin and people (hippies) come here in the summer and coat their bodies with the mud and lay in the sun, they say it is good for them, whatever. All I know is when my Lab goes swimming in it and drinks some of the water it doesn't take long and she barfs it back up.

Anyway I wil give your carb a thought.
