Buck in the backyard

Morning all,
I told MeMike I'd post pics, when I had deer coming in, and managed to grab the camera and get a couple of shots yesterday afternoon. Each year we feed the deer, and "our herd" has grown from 4 the 1st year, to more than 30 last year. Last year was the best for bucks, with 9 different ones that we know of.

I'll be out looking for the sheds in a month or so. :thumrigh: Hope the drop tine buck comes around, and we find his sheds. I'll post pics as I get them.

Does anyone else feed the deer, or any wildlife for that matter (4 legged :toothy7:that is) If so, post some pics if you have them. Tim

I mean no offense to you, but it's not really wise to feed the deer, it upsets the balance of nature. They need to fend for themselves, no matter how cruel that might seem during a bad Winter. What's going to happen when the day inevitably comes when you stop feeding them ? They're all going to starve to death. Just my .02, and again, nothing personal.