Buck in the backyard

Guys, what a trip this is. I was just looking out my window at a very nice 8 pointer. Too dark to get a pic, but the horns went a couple inches past his ears. That would put the rack at about 22" wide, and it had tall points. We've had 9 different deer here so far tonight.

Mike, we use cattle feed, which is basically the same as deer feed, just $2 cheaper. Sometimes we cut it with cracked corn, or oats. We also cut up apples once in a while to mix in. Nice pic of the coon, Sometimes they come here, and get into our trash, but they're better than skunks.

70 duster 340, no offense taken, and I appreciate your opinion. That's the beauty of living in this country, everybody has the right to their beliefs, and to be heard. Not to worry about the deer though. We have been feeding the deer here for 6 years, and have had no problems. We have a winter deer yard in the woods surrounding our house, and only feed them enough to bring them in. They still feed on the grass from our lawn, apples from our trees, and browse in the woods as normal.

This is unreal, before I could even get done typing this, my wife called me to the window to see a 9 pointer that came in to feed. Rack wasn't as big as the 8 point, but it still's awsome.:toothy7: I'll get some pics when they start coming out earlier. Tim