Buck in the backyard

Hey Tim,

Thanks for not taking offense, and I understand what ya said about just leaving enough out to lure them in for pictures, etc ..

Just so everyone understands, this is a good article to read if you're inclined to feed the deer because you feel bad for them, struggling in the rough Winters.


We're lucky here in our part of Connecticut to have deer, turkeys, foxes, coyotes, bears, and even an ocassional wandering moose who must have taken a wrong turn when he hit NY or something :p ...

Also I remember when I was a kid in the late 60's, early 70's the State came to my grandfather because we had a flock of around 25 wild turkeys. Now back then they were very scarce, and all efforts by the State to get the population to grow, failed. The only thing that worked was trapping them with those rocket nets, and re-locating them to other parts of the state.. It worked, cause there are a gazillion of them around now ... Us kids were mad at Gramps at the time for granting permission to have them trapped, we felt they were OUR turkeys, but Gramps said it was for the greater good .... and he was so right !!
