Anyone played around with the new EVO lately?

its really not fair that a fourbanger could be so fast,over a v8,get 25or more mpg,reliable,and comfortable.Could i make my dart twice as fast(it is a v8 of course),reliable,get decent gas milage,comfortable,etc,for the 30,or 60 grand you were talking about?I mean an old car,that drives as good,as these evos.I had a plan once,to to put a nissan skyline awd drive train in a mopar,with a mopar engine powering it.I thought the whole deal would make an awsome machine,twin turbos,for maximun power,awd for maximun hook,and six speed for max fun!my friend was in the process of buying a wrecked skyline cheap for the swap,but things happen(new babies take lots of cash)so,,nexxxxt.OK,why cant the 225,six be as powerful as a skyline straight six,or toyota six.would balencing the recipricating assembly,prting the head,turbos,etc,make them as powerful?Just thoughts from an idle mind