Mopar Vs Gm Vs Ford

For me it goes back to the first car I owned at 16, a 74 Gold Duster. My parents weren't really brand loyal but I remember when they were shopping around for my car. It could have been a 72 LTD or a 197? Delta 88 but a car dealer friend had a Duster with "a little 6 cyl" on the lot that he promised my dad I couldn't get into trouble with . Proved him wrong a couple times. Bought a second Duster for the 318. Put the 318 in the first Duster, never got around to tuning it properly, but won several street races. Almost bought a one owner 68 Road Runner for $2000 in 87 but I didn't want to sell the Duster, first. Had the car 8 years until it got totaled while living in Laramie. Could not get any body shop to pull the rear subframe so stupidly sold it to a Wyo Tech student, should have had WTI do it as a project. Have since owned a couple Sentras, a 97 Malibu, and an 04 Venture and company currently supplies me a Ford Ranger and an S10 before that. Still greatly regret selling the Duster and miss the fun of driving and maintaining it. Never got the same satisfaction of washing and waxing any of the other cars. Finally got my hands on a 71 Duster 340 project and can't wait to get it on the road. Even when I had the Gold Duster I've wanted a Duster 340 due to its reputation alone. Interestingly enough, my wife's first car was a 70 Duster and she has hated Dusters ever since. But, I'm trying to raise the girls right. Both would be more than happy with a Duster and my 10 year old's favorites are the new 300C, new Charger and Magnum.