Truck / Trailer question?

I know this a mopar site and I'm a mopar guy (have been all my life, but my wifes Blazer was a much better vehicle than the Jeep Laredo she owns now. Also, the Blazer (I hate to say) was better built and engineered than the Jeep in my opinion. We've had I say at least a 100% increase in maintainence costs with the jeep over the blazer and she had 112,000 on the blazer and only 57,000 on her Jeep to date. Hell, everythying on her Jeep just about has had to be replaced and hardly any of it was under warranty. Though we love our Jeeps, we will not likley buy another and will likely go back to the GM line when we sell thems. Given the tax situation in KS as I've noted elsewhere, we'll likely have the Jeeps till the wheels roll off though.