Oil Filter Adapter is Leaking.......FOOOOOOK

We'll was out trying to tune the motor today and noticed a nice little pool of oil under the car. Found that it was dripping from the right angle oil filter adapter plate. It is a mother Focking ***** to access this thing at this point. I have to remove the pass header, torsion bar, disconnect tie rod from the center link, raise the motor about 2 inches. FOOOOOK ME. I guess I asked for it with the tti headers.

I had two new gaskets and 0-ring for the filter adapter plate. Why is this bastard leaking. I torqued it down pretty good when I installed and made sure the inner gasket was on.

HOW do I fix this leak so never have to do this again with using a remote filter? I've heard not to use any sealer on these gaskets.

BTW my idle oil pressure is somewhere around 70-75. It is a high volume/pressure oil pump if I remember right.

Thanks. Off to do some more knuckle busting.