Hunting lately

Went for a walk along the fence lines to day with my new varmint gun.
Found some fresh tracks and stayed with them.
I was out in the open and just a cool breeze at 43 deg and partly sunny.
After about a two mile walk halfway around this big pasture I toped a slope carefully and slowly I looked through my binoculars over the ridge.
There they was 5 does all alone.
I stayed by the brush and watched them feeding for about 15 min.
Then I looked up and they where gone, back into the woods.
They where about 1/4 mile away, Something scarred them off.
So I started looking around the area and just as I started walking again.
there he was he stepped out and I stood still and watched this young buck
no more then a 4 point sniff and scratch then headed into the woods.
We have a 3 day gun hunt here 26th to 28th this mounth.
I am thinking I know where the does are and by the time the 26th come's
our bucks will be in rut. I then turned around and headed back the way I came and seen where another dear has passed behind me.Or I just missed these tracks on my why in. My scope did a good job and the dear where moving a bit. I was looking for bob cat tracks and runs and just wanted to carry my gun out in the environment and check my scope out on my new 22 win mag sportster NEF rifle, illegal for dear,but just right for that yotey. When I got close to the house about a mile and a 1/2 I had to find a target to check it out. Shot into a levy at 50 yard at a white rockabout the size of quarter and drilled it into the soil. scope stayed in after carrying it and shooting it the day befor.

Now I need to make sure my slug junker is still shooting strait.
This property is posted and I have a peace of paper my rancher neighbor
gave me so I will be the only man out there when everyone ells will be running them to me where they are usually safe.

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