3.79 Stroke CRanks

11's ain;t fast.. i'll bet none of your cars listed will ever see it...by the way,as far as "cheap street parts", my pistons probably cost more then any of your cars..

WOW! You really seem to be taking my posts as an insulting one. And your post(s) seem to be leaning toward insulting me. Why is that. Act like an adult and not a child for cryin out loud. Your making yourself look poor. Seriously.
(Whcich I find really odd. Like way odd.)

Let me point something out.

11's aint fast...

Like I mentioned in the previous post, for a race car...no, for a street strip car...yes. If it's fast for you, then great. Really. I think it's great your doing 11's. I think 520 HP is great. I just don't think it's fast for a race car.

i'll bet none of your cars listed will ever see it..
This is like a child daring someone. Cooooooooome on man! About running 11's, what if I haven't...so what. How do you know what I have run? Your sentence is like you have to prove it or shut up. DO I really need to prove myself to a childish poster? Acting like a 11 year old. Stop itttt.
(Your latest round of reaplies are like your supppper pissed off. At what?!?!?)

by the way,as far as "cheap street parts", my pistons probably cost more then any of your cars..

I do not remember calling your parts "Cheap" but they are "Cheaper" than full on race parts. If you find this insulting, or if I did dead out call your parts cheap, I'm very sorry. But a cast crank is cheaper than a fordged carnk. Thats the bottom line. It's cheaper.

I do remember saying somewhere that you should not use cheaper parts for a superior build. If you think cast cranks are OK for 700+ HP builds in a heavy car, then OK. Say it. I'll just say different. Then it ends. If you want to carry on that venue, prove it different. I'm open to learning.

And your pistons. What ever they are...if they cost more than my car or cars, thats really nice. Who cares? What is the point of pointing out that your pistons are more expensive than my car costs?
A poor boast. (And baby like, which is a strange way of you handleing things from what I remember. I allmost feel like your throwing yourself on the floor in a fit.)

Now you atempt to badger and demean myself just because you spent more money on something than you think I spent on my cars. So what if you did. I guess spending big money on parts gives you the OK & green light to go and insult someone and there opinions.

Sounds like a rich little spoiled brats game. To that end, I can only think of 1 thing to say, "Get a life!" I told you straight up before, don't be insulted and come back screaming. But you seem to do so anyway.

By what you have posted here today, you not only insult me, (Actually, only tried and failed) but anyone trying to do things on the cheap. Well, guess what, theres alot of us trying to do things on the cheap here.

Alot of people do not want to spend a ton of money to go fast and are try to max. out there parts or just a simple cruiseing machine on the cheap. Whats wrong with that? Oh wait, they didn't spend big money on pistons? So silly of me to forget.
Then they didn't make big power like you so the insult is theres as well. They didn't travel into the 11's so there slow **** and cheap bastards right?

LOL, You really are showing yourself as 1 sad person.
(Which, again, I find reallly surprising and really freaking odd!!!)
I'd like to carry on with this, but I do not want to muddy up the thread. Someone hear is asking for help. Insulting is not helping, boasting on what you have as a weapon against me doesn't help.

What helps is your exp. on what you have done, facts about what you have used and IF you know someone that has done it for fact with something, then I would say that is an acceptable thing to mention.

An example would be the "349 on the cheap" Thread that BJR posted. I would have never thought about doing that myself, but he posted the numbers, facts and how to's about it. Now I can make a mention to someone about it. I didn't do it, but I know this guy that has a cool trick you might want to look into, you can find it here, and provide a link or say where to find it.

Tell me, how does your last couple of posts help?
How does your (attemped) insults help?
Is this really you or is this some drugggged up idiot posting on your behalf? Because I can not think of a post before this one where you go off like this. I guess I better start to search the forums.

I'm speechless from here. Past dealing with you have allways been pleasent until my opinion is different than yours. I really do not get this.