69 Dart 340 Swinger

Two 70--

Yes, the stripper is brushed on, allowed to sit, then scraped with different sized puddy knives until it is mostly gone. Sometimes a light second coat is necessary. After that, you can use steel wool, or scotchbrite pads to get the last of it off. Then a water rinse to neutralize the stripper. Once that is done, and the car is dried, you can wash the area with lacqure thinner and a rag, or use Prepsal like I do.
The stripper will soften and remove plastic filler if it isn't too thick. It removed all the seam sealer in the trunk. I didn't care because I have a few tubes of seam sealer for a caulk gun and will reseal all the seams on the whole car once I have the whole thing in etch primer.
I didn't yet treat those rust spots, but I will simply use Naval Jelly because it is only small areas I'll be working with. If it was a large rusty area, a beadblaster might be in order.

Thanks for the kind words guys.
