Larry's Dart project

Update on the dart we have it in my shop wanted to do some rebuilding on the front end so we took the fenders off. Sure made it easier to work on things!

Pulled the upper control arms off and had new ball joints installed also put new bushing in, cleaned them up and painted em.

Installed new shocks while we where at it. That's about as far as we got before Larry blew two disc's in his back. He had to go through about two months of Bull S**T before they decided to operate and fix it. Day after the operation the pain was gone, He has been doing everything the doc tells him to so he can make a full recovery. At 26 years old I think that is a very smart thing for him to do.
SO I've been doing some sanding and cleaning on it. We have been looking at soda blasting medium for taking the paint off. Found a place in Walla Walla Wasington called the Soda Works that seems to have a good product, so might be making a road trip over there to get some. Been trying to find a place a little closer to home that sells it but no luck so far. Doctor wants him to wait till the first of the year before he does much so guess we'll wait till then to do more.