Anyone believe in Ghosts ?

The arguement that someting doesn't exist only because there is no physical proof is not proof it doesn't exist. Not to long ago everyone was convinced that the earth was flat and up until the proof it existed people acted then just like they do now about things that require belief before proof.

It is OK for someone to require physical proof before believing, most people are that way. I think it is disrespectful for the people that need physical proof to say it doesn't exist because some people have experienced something and to say it doesn't exist is like saying they are not telling the truth.

People that don't believe don't have any proof that they don't exist and are in no position to tell believers or people that experienced something that there is nothing there.

This applies to all things not just ghosts.

As for a Sasquach carcas not being found. I live in Washington and I am always in the outdoors and woods because of hunting, camping, 4 wheeling, etc. and have never even seen a deer, coyote or any wild animal carcas for that matter. Granted I have seen live versions of these animals so of course they exist but the carcas issue is not a valid reason for non-existence. I have never experienced anything that would lead me to believe in their existence, but other people have and I am in no position to say otherwise, therefore I do believe that there is the posibility that something is out there. The forest is a very, very, very big place.
