Hunting lately

Well men and ladies!! I seen 6 doe run to the corner and jumped the fence.
Now I am pumped!! deer are going to move today.:happy7:
They where 200 yard out and I was hoping on a dumb one I guess.
I hugged the tree for a while and waited about 30 minutes later and
two does headed my way!! They looked perfect, Young and small.
Got my binoculars out and they had there heads down grazing.
Got my camera out and got a quick picture then got back to my stealth mode. still two hundred yards out.
Here they came back toward the same way they came in.
Pulled up my 20 gauge 3 in slug gun and waited till the got as close as they where going to get to me. I would say 80 yards and took a shot knowing this is a shot that would be a maybe. They turned and looked strait at me and then I took another shot hoping to drop one. Not!!! I knew better, but they was heading out and and I missed and they took off.
Next year I will have a 870 3 1/2 inch slug gun with rifle sites.

Or is a cross bow in my sites. more season to hunt.

2008deerwoods 007.jpg