I'm going in - wish me luck!

turbodart said
i wish i saw this post sooner, i wish you had gotten the mopar parts instead of fel-pro. a little more but alot better. yes, the new gasket is steel embossed. they also recommend new lower pan bolts. i recommend new intake bolts too asthe become brittle and are prone to break. also, as said too, the bypass and t-stat gaskets always seem to leak after too so change those too. i normally would remember the part numbers but i just started at our dealerships mitsubishi dealer, so my all mopar part# memory bank is slowly being replaced by mitsi numbers :(

The Fel-Pro kit I got was no good... It looks like the intake gaskets were bent, they're cracked.

Do you have the part number for the Mopar kit? And what does it come with?

I found 4897383AC as a part number, but I can't find any information on what's in that.