O.k. So I was wrong. Here is my 69 Charger *LOTS O PICS*

Thanks guys. Comments like the ones above make all the hard work 100% worth it :D

Yes, the movie was 1974 and Yes it's available on DVD, you can actually find it at any FYE as well. it's in the $14 rack heheheh

It's amazing how many people recognize the car at local shows and at some hangouts around here. My buddy with the Polara and I have started to do shows together, we have a few pictures and old movie posters we display as well. it's a ton of fun.

I'm hoping to have some more fun with the Dart as well, I'm going to fix up the drive train and brake system and my mom will drive it around for the summer. But expect next winter for me to post up like I did for the Charger, I'll be tearing into that Dart with just as much passion :D

God I love doing this stuff heheh

BTW: for those that don't know the movie, here are a few screen shots of the movie when The CHP Cop car was chasing the Charger. You'll see why My friend Mark and I go to shows together. The biggest difference is His is an actual retired Cop car.


