Convert help/opinions

Dam,you crack me up.I had to re-read my post to see if I really wrote blah blah blah.LOL
Your Valiant is a bad little ride to !!!!!

Again the best thing to do is go to the local cruises and talk to some conv owners.Ask them who did there top,and go from there.
That is what I did and it worked out well.

My Val WILL be a bad little ride. I *auto-magically* turned my Valiant into the pretty piece you see there via Photoshop in just a few hours. Were that it was the same with the real thing, huh? We'd have to spend those long hours on the street cruising instead...

I'll be heading up to the SF Rod and Custom show on Saturday. I'm sure I'll find some choice ragtops to chat with their owners about. I'm gettin' stoked just thinking about it :). I'll forward on any tips, tricks, and recommendations that I get.