Front Grill Repair

I haven't installed my grille yet to see how it holds up to vibration or mild abuse. It can be used to fix cracks by V-ing them out - which I did. Seems to bond quite well too. It isn't real cheap but goes a long ways. I did a number of repairs and still have a lot left. I got it through Eastwood but it seems like I've seen it at chain auto stores. There's a powder and liquid activator. Very easy to use. The instructions have you mix it up and spread but I found that applying the powder to the part and dripping the liquid into it worked better. You can build it up quite quickly and it cures in a reasonable time. It can be ground, drilled, and sanded when cured and is just like the surrounding plastic.

You check out the product's site?

In your case, since you have the missing pieces, I'd back it with some thin sheetmetal like a splint and bond it all together. They'll never break again.
