heres my combo , i need

abodyhotrod, I love a good hunt for power,
"come on guys whats the best bang for my bucks?"
But this was a tuff read. Chuck in some parragraphs for a half blind man. LOL.

lead69 has great points. You can definatly step up in cam, big time. The compresion ratio is going to require ethier a mad milling of heads or a piston replacement. (KB-107's or equal)

Head flow is another problem to contend with. I believe the 2.02 J's can run a mid 12. Past that, it'll be some trick work going on.

Your current cam is a limiting factor. If the heads remain stock, I think I'd look into a 240 @ .050 mech. cam (More RPM with a mech. cam.) with .500 or better lift.
Problem here is where the stock heads stop flowing (stall) and what there max lift is.

Those are the 2 points of concern, compresion and cam.