Tap vs. Bottled–What Should You Drink?

The only water I drink is well water from my tap.
The only other thing I drink is coffee.
here are some other ideas from the rest of the world.

There is a new law passed in China, that now outlaws those
thin plastic bag like you get at the store.
They claim it will save million of barrels of oil and less pollution.
I doubt it was voted on by the people, just goverment mandated.
On the same note if a new law passes in California, your thermostats
can be controled by the electric company, any time they think usage
is too high or goverment mandates exceeded they can by radio control
reset your thermostat in your home.

Thanks Arnold and my government,
Just something else I don't need to worry about, I'll always be kept
at just the right temp by my government.