Tap vs. Bottled–What Should You Drink?

I will never, ever, in a million years pay for or drink bottled water. It is the biggest most ridiculous ripoff scam in "North America". I cannot believe in this day and age with public utility water systems running within guidelines and the law that regulates them that people would pay these exorbinant prices for something that when it comes out of the tap is basically free (when compared to the cost of a bottle of water). Who's to say that the bottled water is safe and that there wasn't an upset at Jesuses Water Emporium and Fur Tannery the other day and now a pile of people are going to have the *****.
I can certainly see that if a family has a lousey well or the town supply goes bad for a short time then certainly use bottled water but these aren't the majority of the people that are buying this bullshit. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that bottled water, plastic shopping bags and "yes" while were at it Lite Beer should all be banned, with extreme predjudice.
