Tap vs. Bottled–What Should You Drink?

I just installed a water filter system last year during our Home Remodel and we hve cut out the bottled water! We just fill up the old bottles! man does it taste great.You can also get a system to filter your whole house if needed. Do a little research and for a couple of hundred dollars a nice filter system that takes out LOTS of bad things in the water!
You will be surprised how well you can improve the taste of your TAP WATER! Also if you took sample of your tap water and have it analyzed by an independant lab you migh tjust be surprised what you are drinking! There can be some pretty harmfum things in regular tap water,especially if it not chlorinated!
I purchased a system that works GREAT! and we really like the improved water taste! To eliminate the plastic and other items from lndfills EVERYONE needs to PRACTICE RECYCLING !
It can work if everyone does it! Who knows the next batch of water bottles,bread wrappers and so on could be covers for seat hinges or other plastic parts! for our classic cars! Just think what this EARTH is going to be like if we continue on a path like we have been on the past 100 years!
I have mixed feelings about the GLOBAL WARMING they say is happening!
Without a doubt Technology ,chemicals etc have caused damage to our world. Just how much! I don't think it is really known.I believe there is some truth to Global Warming and that technology has played a major role in it.But then again where would we be without the technology we have today! I think we just all need to be more creative,more understanding and work toward preserving Our world as much as we can. Sorry I will get off the SOAP BOX NOW!:thumbup: