Tap vs. Bottled–What Should You Drink?

That is a BIG PART OF THE PROBLEM! the People that JUST DON'T CARE! Well if you live long enough and you get really thirsty and there is NONE to VERY LITTLE water to drink then maybe the people that don't care now will care then.Or when your GREAT GRAND CHILDREN or there children need good clean water and very little is availiable because it is contaminated or just plain is not any!
I am like GTXperience! I am one that does care also! I care now and If I live long enough I will care then.I guess you have never been THIRSTY when there was no clean water or water at all to be had! It is not fun to be in that situation! I think a lot of it is pure convienience! You can get bottled water at any and every convienience store or station. It is popular because of its convienience. Just like sodas,beer,etc. In the Old days you had to go get beer and take it home in a bucket,there were no bottles or cans! or KEGS! when the bottles and cans become availiable it was convienient and it went over REAL BIG! Just like bottled sodas,water,fruit drinks etc! Pure Convienience!