Tap vs. Bottled–What Should You Drink?

I'm not into conspirices but I believe most or all of the so called
warming, poluted water, next big scares are designed to seperate
you from your money and control. there is alot of money to be
made on a commodity that costs little to produce.
Nothing is free and all must be controled for the safety and security
of the public.

air pollution -control - cleanup - tax
water problems - municipal water - control- tax or bottled water
school funding - control- lottery- tax

you get the picture, in the future whoever controls the nesseities of life
has power, if I can scare you into believing there is a problem and
you can do little to control it, you will turn control over to the
government or corporations to manage it.
Thats how most control and taxes are wrangled away from the people.
I do believe we have some problems, but nothing that common sence,ingenuity and time can't cure.
The world has been around for eons and weathered untold
calamities, I doubt we've damaged it beyond repair it the
short time we've been here.
Barring an event that destroys the planet its self, she'll
continue on with or without us human beans.

Longarm, well said.

i guess mainly what i was trying to say was im sick and tired of all the propaganda about conserving this, saving that and what a bunch of spoiled arrogant people we are. all this crap about saving the planet, its propaganda. the planets just fine. if you want to recycle thats fine with me but dont shove your beliefs down my throat.
went to the dump last weekend and there were 5-6 soda cans in the trash. one of the attendants started in on me about the recycling crap. i asked him if he paid for the cans. no, he says. i told him that i did and maybe he should mind his own business. its my money and i can do what i want with it.
wait until we are FORCED to buy those stupid florescent lite bulbs. $3-4 each, the light sucks, they contain mercury (hazardous material) that you have to recycle. just to save energy. who the hell does the govt think they are? if i want to spend a few more $$$ a year using regular lite bulbs that my choice, not theirs. they say there isnt enough energy. then build some more damn power plants.
i guesss my main ***** is that we are loosing freedom of choice and being forced to comply with more and more regulation. its happening so slowly and little by little that alot of people dont notice or dont care. some day were going to wake up in a commie country and wonder what happened. heres an example. its all in the name of saving energy.
wait till its 110* in the central valley and big bro turns off your a/c

ranting off!