Surgery Today

In a few hours I'm off to a day-op clinic to have Carpul Tunnel surgery on my left hand. I had the right hand done 9 yrs. ago and I'm NOT looking forward to later today. The last time it felt like my hand was being chewed off at the wrist after the surgery and I had a hard time suppressing the pain, both perscribed and self-medicating, for the first 24 hours. More of the same later.....

This is going to be a pain in the butt, but it should be done. The numbness at night has gotten so bad that even WITH a brace it still wakes me up. I had let the right hand get so bad that I couldn't hold anything due to the loss of sensation. This time I'm being a little pro-active and getting it done before it becomes a big problem. This means no work...wrenching....or guitar playing for a few weeks. I'll probably go back to work next week in a supervisory position making an apprentices life hell for a week or two, but no actual hands-on stuff for a while....

Since EVERYONE loves pictures I'll give you guys gory post-op images tomorrow..... :-D