Photos - Project Update - The Wife's Swinger is Getting Close...

Hey Guys:

Thanks for the positive comments. To respond to your queries/comments:

3404speed: That's a good question! I guess the Swinger is also well trained...LOL

JohnnyDart: It really is her car so there's no "letting" her drive it. I've got a garage full of toys and making sure that she has one she enjoys let's me keep the "toybox" activity at the level (or close anyway - who am I kidding? LOL) that I like for it to be. Kind of fun to drag one of the Dusters out and have her leading/following along in the Swinger on a nice afternoon ride - lots of admiring stares as the pair roll by... By the way, this is the car that I was teasing you about painting the grill for me if you recall. As you can see, I ended up taking your advice and painting it like yours - Thanks for the nudge in that direction!

Krazed: As I mentioned in the original post the belts & buckles were provided by AmSafe, which is the company that makes most of the belts used on commercial passenger aircraft today. They used to be American Safety, which is the name most likely printed on the tags on your original belts. Because I work in the aviation industry I knew their history and happen to be friends with their Director of Sales for North America. I asked him about reworking the belts in Tammy's Swinger (they were in TERRIBLE shape) and he had me send them to one of their factories. They were so far gone (buckles included) that they asked me if I wouldn't prefer just to go with one of their newer aviation buckle offerings - so I chose a combo with both polished and brushed aluminum. I don't think that they're looking to get back into automotive market however...I can check with my buddy if you'd like. Just send me a PM if you want to further investigate this.

Thanks again to all of you for your kind comments on the car (and dogs!).
