Found '76 Dart Sport - what are these holes?

Hatchback? There were never any hatchback Duster/Dart Sports. Too bad too, they'd have been very useful!

Neil, those seats are the same as the ones in my Ramcharger, which are the same as the Omni/Horizon buckets. The later Darts came with velour seat fabric (mostly in highline models) but those are definitely not A-body seats. They'll work just fine though.

The stripe is similar to the 73/74 stripe as mentioned but the factory stripe had pinstripes both top and bottom, unlike the one pictured that just has one.

Around here these days, $1500 for a roller isn't outrageous as long as the car isn't toast. Definitely get out the magnet and check out the bodywork. Bad areas common to this body are the trunk extensions, trunk floor, driver's floor pan, front subframe rails, torsion bar crossmember, rear inner fenders (under hood near firewall), bottom dogleg of front fender and upper forward of front fender. Get underneath and have a good look around.

If you decide to buy, U-Haul rents dollies but Kevin Pelletier has a car trailer that he hauls his racecar on... maybe he could be convinced to help you out for a Tim Horton's XL double double. ;)


PS: That car looks similar to one that I knew of hiding in a garage just off of Kirkwood in Westboro. I wonder if it's the same one?