has anyone tried this disc brake conversion yet?

hey mullinax95 calm down you seem to have read these posts wrong. Back to basics didnt call your system cheap he called the scarebird system a cheap way to do things and still have beer money left over.He wasnt calling your system the cheap one. So i hate to say it but you took that way wrong and went off on him for the wrong reasons. Also if you look at the dates on the post outlaw started this thread almost 3 years ago at that time he hadnt used the kit and was trying to find out if it was worth it or not someone recently brought this thread back up and he posted that he did use the scarebird kit and it worked fine.when he originally posted he hadnt used it yet but when it came back up 3years later he posted that it worked well for him good luck hope everyone calms down seems a few got worked up for the wrong reasons