Diary of a Minnesota winter

That was the best laugh I've had in months, I lived in Washington State, bought a house on a corner lot,what was I thinking??? Instead of one sidewalk to shovel I got two not to mention the driveway, couldn't afford a snow blower, almost stole one from the neighbors, they were all over 85 years old, out there blowing snow everywhere but off there driveways, some bent over the blower looking like "it's the big one lizabeth I'm coming" They probably wouldn't have known I even took it. Kept the cell handy for 911 calls I think on average we lost 5-6 every winter. Texas is so much nicer, it gets cold but only lasts a couple days then warms back up. If you live in the north do like the guy who packed up everything and kept going south until no one recognized his snow shovel!
Thanks for the laugh