My Dart Vs C5 Corvette RESULTS

ok ok chill out! lol heres how it went
96 Gt Mustang: Guy didnt even have a chance a 17 year old trying to launch the car and it was not successful whatsoever i kicked his *** everytime and we did it from a roll at around 20 and i just left it in 1st (B&M Megashifter) and that put me at 3000 so when he signaled go i just took off. P.S. now he has coolant coming out of his exhaust and is scared his dad will find out lol were thinking the head gasket.
Chevy Camaro: I didnt even get a chance to run him because he bought the hypertech programmer thing and what i think he did was when he took off the governor for the RPM's he never set a shift point for the computer so when we took off his trans which is an auto went to 5000,5500,6000,6500, O ****!! ITS NOT SHIFTING!! so he immediatly backed off and as we speak is wondering wtf he did wrong haha
C5 Corvette: Ah the one everyone has been waiting for lol we both lined up and when we said go he got the jump but he spun and i took off easy about 1/2 throttle and at 15mph floored it and slowly reeled him in and that put me at about a car car and a half on him the entire time until i dropped out at 110 we ran it twice and second time he spun worse and dropped out. We then decided to go from the freeway and it was a neck and neck race until i hit 5500 and with 3.55 rear and a 26.5inch tire that puts me at 120. the trick to not letting him pass me was shifting from D to 2nd ( i know not all that great for the transmission) which puts me around 4500rpm so im making good power therefore not letting him get the jump.
P.S. he didnt use his traction control why? i have no idea

So there you have it i kicked a Mustangs ***, never found out what woulda happened with the LT1 and Beat a Vette from a dead stop and couldnt pull away from me up until 120 when i ran out of gear lol