The Little Red Wagon

First Question, How did I get involved? Well I was doing well with my SS car at the time. I was beating racers like Sox and Martin, The Farmer Beswick and so on and so on. So Dodge had a Idea to build a SS truck. They asked me if I wanted to drive it. At first I would not do it. But Dodge kept on me about it. Finally I said ok I will do it. The truck was loaded with horse power. Dodge put the motor in the bed with the idea this would give the truck more traction. So I got in hit the throttle and on the bumper it went. Scared the S*** out of me. So we tried to tame the truck but it still would do a wheelie. So I said lets try to make this thing do a wheelie down the track. Dodge gave me the ok to try it. So I had to come up with a idea to steer this beast. Here comes your awnser tou you braking Question. I came up with a braking system for the truck. It was like you would use on your bike. One lever for the right brake and the other for the left. To seperate brakes. I jumped in the truck for a test and low and behold it worked. The rest became history.