my friend passed out after our party and...

the last time we did something like that we drew on him with a sharpie.mustache,eyebrows.etc.autographs.colored his eyelids.he had to go to church the next day.very hard to get off.he was pissed.don't use sharpies.had we not all been hammered.we may have relized at the time what we were doing and refered to washable markers.we are all friends again now though.keep it up.

My roommate in college had a bad tendency to the same. He would draw swastikas, genitalia, all sorts of messed up stuff. the worst one I've seen him do is a checkerboard some girl's face. She woke up and went home PISSED. She came back to ***** at my roommate and she still had the outline patterns on her face. It was messed up...but frickin hilarious :-D