My Dart Vs C5 Corvette RESULTS

A couple of things...

Regarding Baylands being shut down by the "ultra-conservatives"...that's not it at all. It was strictly a money thing. The landowner was leasing the land to the guy who ran Baylands. They did not renew his lease because they wanted to develop the land and make big $$$$. It wasn't the government coming in and saying "You can't have a dragstrip here". By the way, I'm a conservative (not an ultra-conservative) and I love drag racing. My friend made the last official pass down the track on the last night at Baylands. I wish Baylands was still here, but this is the Bay Area and land is gold.

You're right about the above. I retract my comment about ultra-conservatives. I'm still ticked off about the closing of Baylands. Then you must remember the petition started around Fremont to reopen the track. If not the same location then another. Let's just say the people with the money didn't let it go very far.