My Dart Vs C5 Corvette RESULTS

All you "boys" should pinch your selfs that you don't live in Ontario, Canada. Over there they have a "street racing" law. Yep, get this--you need not to be racing anybody, just if you are going 50 km/p over the speed limit-thats 30 mph-you are "racing". You get your car impounded for 7 days, you lose your drivers license for 7 days and get fine $2,000 to $10,000. And thats first time!! The second time your license is gone for 10 years!!

The max speed limit on the freeways is 100 km/p-thats 62 mph-so anything over 91 mph-just on the freeways, other roads have slower speed limits, you can kiss your car and license bye bye. And they need just your plate number--no chasing you down.

Canadian ladies are a blast to be with but I am glad I live close to Ontario, Canada and not right there.

We all be in deep you know what :angel9: