My Dart Vs C5 Corvette RESULTS

70 miles on Bay Area freeways on a Wednesday afternoon/evening takes WAY more than an hour. Traffic sucks here. Sears Point (I refuse to call it Infineon!) is 88 miles from my house. I have to leave at 2 pm to get there right when the gates open. So many cars show up, it's ridiculous and probably half of them are Hondas with coffee-can exhaust and giant wings. If I left later, I would get stuck in traffic and possibly only get one or two runs once I got to the track.

i too can't call it infineon! sears point sounds so much better and less corporate. if i closed up shop at say 4pm, got my car warmed up, changed out of uniform, got on the road, i would get there about 6pm. the traffic just getting to the san rafael bridge from here would be 45 minutes itself! we are talking a total of 40 miles one way max and there is no way i am going to sit in traffic with dipshits on their phone rushing home and almost hitting me. no racetrack is worth that.
secondly, i have been there for wednesday night drags and you get about 2-4 runs at best. too many import fart buckets.