My #!!#@#*%# Nephew!

Most people that age will screw up. Even us old ones do.

Sounds like your nephew might just need help. Perhaps you knew that going in?

Oh, I knew it going in. He's a very intelligent kid, he just won't apply himself. He dropped out of tech school because he was too lazy to get out of bed & go to class. Now the bill collectors are trying to find him to collect on his student loans. He gave me as a referrence, so guess who keeps getting the calls? This is the 4th car he's managed to trash, including one he rolled on it's top. But they usually lasted longer than this. I've also helped him a lot in keeping his other cars going, including R&Ring an engine, & it's almost always involved a a trip of over 200 miles one way. I've also forgiven a lot. Like the money & time I'm out on this deal. I also strongly suspect he's responsible for the disappearance from my mom's basement of a brand new small block six pack manifold & carbs. Either him or one of his low-life friends. I think the whole family is about done with him. Time will tell. :angry7: