Anyone else not watching

Personally I could care less about the GAME! but my Sweetie likes to watch it and she likes getting on some of the little number pots so I watch the game with her! I call it QUALITY TIME WITH SWEETIE! I agree that all the athletes are GROSLY OVERPAID! And some are even IDIOTS! Look at he guy that got caught fighting dogs.
Hell I can't even remember his name.But the dumbass had it made making millions and threw it all away BEING STUPID and will be serving some TIME in prison for it. Intelligence and $$$$ totally WASTED! America would be better off paying our TEACHERS, FIREFIGHTERS, POLICEMEN and a few others a lot more money and do away with the SPORTS SCENE!
Of course that is just my personal opinion. A lot of American Dollars could be much better spent than on SPORTS! I say leave the SPORTS to the kids to play those games! Adults need to do other things to earn a living! Spend the money on Healthcare, Feeding the people that need to eat that can't afford to buy food, better benefits for our ARMED FORCES PEOPLE! Well I have to go make Sweetie some popcorn now! LOL she just paged me on the phone. She is in the middle of watching of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers so it is HONEY DO TIME! Damn I am a GOOD HUSBAND! LOL